DRAFT Submission on the Principles of the Treaty of Waitangi Bill 2024
This is a draft of our submission on the Treaty Principles Bill. Please feel free to use it for ideas when writing your own.
DRAFT Submission on the Oranga Tamariki (Responding to Serious Youth Offending) Amendment Bill 2024
This is a late draft of our submission on the Boot Camps Bill. This Bill will cause a lot of harm and trauma to rangatahi, so we encourage everyone to submit against it.
Parliamentary Select Committee Submissions 101
This guide will provide a basic overview of the select committee submissions writing process.
How to email your local MP about the Ram Raids Bill
A step-by-step guide to writing to your local MP, asking them to stop the Ram Raids Bill.
Dire Conditions in New Zealand Prison Visiting Rooms For Whānau & Friends
Families and prisoners report unwelcoming and restrictive environments during visits. Under the Corrections Act 2004, prisoners are entitled to one 30-minute visit per week, yet many face extreme limitations and distressing conditions, especially since COVID-19. Visiting rooms should support family bonds, not strain them!
Corrections Shining Torches Into Prisoners’ Faces Overnight
At night, Corrections officers are required to shine torches into each cell, usually every two hours but as often as every 15 minutes for people in ISU. This is a form of torture. Cheap technological interventions could avoid the need for this practice.
Neglected Bedding Crisis in NZ Prisons: Inadequate Hygiene & Health Risks, Urgent Action Needed for Prisoner Welfare
Corrections are failing to provide prisoners with even the most basic standards of hygiene. Bedding in prisons is often mouldy and rotten, and Corrections are failing to replace it.
We can reduce crime with compassion
Grace Gordon: A more collective and sustainable approach to safety is to centre care, compassion and connection to the people and world around us.
Justice reform needs a vision – and someone with the guts to speak up for it
Holly Willson: The honest confrontation needed to create transformative change, just as in a transformative justice model, requires articulating wrongdoings and engaging in open communication around efforts to work through and address harm.
Unpacking the tough-on-crime election agenda
Lin Mussell: Tough-on-crime platforms are an easy way to shore up votes, but the evidence shows that crime statistics are actually decreasing.